

[Souscription] Online purchase of pharmacy and para-pharmacy products – Wave 1 barometer

In a context of somewhat sluggish household consumption, ecommerce continues to grow due to ever increasing online day-to-day product purchases. Pharmacy products represent one of the most dynamic sectors with an annual progression of approximately 15%.


The IFOP yearly barometer of online pharmacy and para-pharmacy product purchases will provide you with insight to bolster your marketing and sales strategies:


  • What dynamics are at play regarding the purchase of pharmacy and para-pharmacy products?
  • What are the barriers and drivers?
  • What digital ecommerce and activation strategies should be implemented?




The favourite pharmacy and para-pharmacy products among e-shoppers.

Online purchase barriers and motivations.

The main pharmacy and para-pharmacy ecommerce websites: level of awareness among the French population? What is their role vs. general websites?

Identification of key online services to appeal to consumers.


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Laure Friscourt Directrice du pôle Wellbeing - DGA Ifop

Sophie Perol Directrice de clientèle Wellbeing


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