Frédéric Dabi


[The portrait] Frédéric Dabi, DGM – Head of Ifop Opinion

How did you first hear about the IFOP Group?

In the 1980s through the Top 50 of the French favourite personalities.


Do you have a story about your first day?

It was 31 March 1995, a national strike day.


Do you have a passion that you would like to share outside the IFOP Group?

Classical music through concerts or opera, special moments when time stops and my phones are in aeroplane mode. 


How would you describe IFOP in one word?



How do you see the IFOP Group in the years to come?

Always occupying a special place as both a reference and a pioneer


About me


Director of IFOP’s Opinion Department since 2003, then Managing Director of the IFOP Group since 2011, I have been a recognised expert in the understanding of social and opinion phenomena for over 25 years. I have a MPhil in political sociology and a DESS in political and social communication from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. I started as a researcher in 1995 at IFOP before becoming director of research in the Opinion department. In 2000, I joined the CSA Institute as Director of Research and then Deputy Director of the Opinion Department. In 2003, I returned to IFOP to head the Opinion and Corporate Strategies department.

And in 2021 I became Managing Director of Opinion. Author of the book La Fracture (Les Arènes), I continue to analyse with passion the society that surrounds us.

Your contact

Frédéric Dabi DGM - Head of Ifop Opinion

Frédéric Dabi

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